Free Staff Profile: Ryan Moule (Photography at Swansea College of Art UWTSD) 3 minutes, 26 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Carving Microservices out of the Monolith with Domain Storytelling - Henning Schwentner 52 minutes, 16 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free How the Department of Defense Moved to Kubernetes and Istio - Nicolas Chaillan 41 minutes, 14 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Finding System Boundaries with Domain Storytelling - Stefan Hofer - NDC London 2021 38 minutes, 58 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free 3. Introduction to SDN (Software defined network) - SDN and Openflow Architecture 18 minutes, 16 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Stefan \u0026 Henning - Talk Session: How Domain Storytelling Shaped Our View of Bounded Contexts 47 minutes, 13 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Domain Storytelling with Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner 23 minutes, 47 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Timon Sloane - Open Networking Foundation | Q.Synergy Keynote 15 minutes, 11 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3
Free Domain Storytelling with Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner 23 minutes, 47 seconds DOWNLOAD MP3